And in a break from politics, I bring you more poetic relief from Sarah Palin

October 6, 2008

“Challenge to a Cynic”

You are a cynic.
Because show me where
I have ever said
That there’s no absolute proof
That nothing that man
Has ever conducted
Or engaged in,
Has had any effect,
Or no effect,
On climate change.

To Charlie Gibson, ABC News, September 11, 2008

“On Reporters”

It’s funny that
A comment like that
Was kinda made to,
I don’t know,
You know …


To Katie Couric, CBS News, September 25th, 2008

These were my personal favorites, but there are more (be sure to check out her Haiku):

Palin & Biden on Dick Cheney

October 3, 2008


Sooooo…. Cheney has done more harm than any other single high elected official to shred the American Constitution…. and then there was that unfortunate duck-hunting accident.

So SUPREMELY Unqualified – This is the part of Katie Couric’s Sarah Palin interview the McCain campaign pressured CBS not to air…

October 2, 2008


“Come on Sarah, can you think of any Supreme Court decisions you disagree with?  You can do it!”

“Besides Roe v. Wade Sarah?”

“Well, try this one – Can you think of any Supreme Court decisions at all?”

“Sarah, besides Roe v. Wade”

“Ok, no.  How about naming any of the Supreme Court justices?”

“Besides that ‘that Italian guy,’ do you know how many other justices sit on the bench?”

“No, Sarah, don’t worry.  They have chairs.  Nice big comfy arm chairs.  They don’t have to sit on an actual bench.”

“Yes, I agree, that would be very uncomfortable.  Ok, then.  Right.  Here’s an easy one Sarah, where is the Supreme Court?”

“Um, no Sarah.  Washington State and Washington DC are two different places.

“Oh, that was a joke.  Ok, I get it.  Seattle.  And, not that it really matters, but Seattle’s not actually the capitol of Washington.”

“It’s Olympia Sarah.”

“Um, yeah, right… I’m sure most people do think it’s Seattle.”

“Yes, it is GREAT that you can name a city in Washingtion.  Well done!”

“Yes of course, you can.  Can we continue the interview when you’re done going potty?”



Palin & Biden On Roe V. Wade Video –

October 2, 2008


I’m actually surprised Sarah knows the word Federalist.

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“All of ’em… Any of ’em” – Sarah Palin on the news sources she depends upon to keep up-to-date on the issues!

October 1, 2008


I may have mentioned I have an ear infection.  This sucks.   What also sucks is the state of our world in general, US politics more specifically, and Sarah Palin in particular.  I am not in a great mood and I truly thought I was beyond a political belly laugh at this point.  I was wrong…