First Female Four-Star General

November 14, 2008




It was clear to me that my Army experience was just going to be a two-year detour en route to my fitness profession.  So when asked ‘Ann, did you ever think you were going to be a general officer, to say nothing about a four-star?’  I say, ‘not in my wildest dreams.’  There is no one more surprised than I – except of course my husband.  You know what they say, ‘Behind every successful woman is an astonished man.’

Ann E Dunwoody

Happy Halloween – Yes We Can Carve!

October 30, 2008



Via Yes We Carve!

Water For Africa

October 30, 2008


Wow…. this is an incredibly brilliant idea.  It is a cheap, fun, maintainable way to provide safe drinking water in Africa.

And of course I can’t help applying this to politics, and Barack Obama’s naysayers.  Who says he can’t he make meaningful changes or that we can’t afford to solve our problems – even now.  At least some of the problems of this world could be solved with one “Aha!” moment.  I hope Obama will surround himself with a host of brilliant Aha thinkers!
